2016 The Bad Science Show - School Shows & School Incursions in Melbourne Sydney and Canberra.

Teacher's Resources
He's blowing on the page.
That's it.
However, the people who believe in him are exhibiting confirmation bias.
They have chosen to believe he can really do it and so are focusing on the evidence that proves him correct (the pages are moving) and ignoring the evidence that he's full of it (his mouth is moving too).
Can you think of an example of confirmation bias that you've committed?
Ever decided a movie will be terrible before you see it? And then have a terrible time? and so seen nothing but what's wrong with it?
Ever decided that you have a particular illness? And then start noticing the symptoms?
Ever heard a really cool conspiracy theory? And then decided it must be true before properly considering the evidence?
Then you might be a victim of confirmation bias.
So watch the video below and you'll be on your first step to becoming a master spoon bender.
However, if you really want your audiences to think you're the next magneto, get them believing in your abilities before you pull of the stunt, your reactions will be even bigger.
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